THE PRESIDENT: Hello, Rio de Janeiro!
Since the moment we arrived, the people of this nation have graciously shown my family the warmth and generosity of the Brazilian spirit. Obrigado. Thank you. (Applause.) And I want to give a special thanks to all of you for being here, because I've been told that there's a Vasco football game coming. (Cheers and boos.) Botafogo -- (laughter.) So I know that -- I realize Brazilians don't give up their soccer very easily. (Laughter.)
Nada mais conveniente do que começar o discurso falando português, mencionando a família e futebol. Enquanto ele estava aqui, mísseis caiam na Líbia.
Now, one of my earliest impressions of Brazil was a movie I saw with my mother as a very young child, a movie called Black Orpheus, that is set in the favelas of Rio during Carnival. And my mother loved that movie, with its singing and dancing against the backdrop of the beautiful green hills. And it first premiered as a play right here in Teatro Municipal. That's my understanding.
Tentando tornar a situação mais pessoal, fala sobre suas experiências e sua primeiro contato com o Brasil. Não esquece de mencionar a imagem que sempre tivemos lá fora, favelas miseráveis, perigosas mas cheia de gente feliz
And my mother is gone now, but she would have never imagined that her son's first trip to Brazil would be as President of the United States. She would have never imagined that. (Applause.) And I never imagined that this country would be even more beautiful than it was in the movie. You are, as Jorge Ben-Jor sang, "A tropical country, blessed by God, and beautiful by nature." (Applause.)
O filho que toda mãe quer ter. fala sobre o fato de ser negro e presidente, mas não diz nada sobre ser uma exceção e ter vindo de uma classe abastada e estudado nas melhores instituições. Por outro lado, continua a massagear nosso ego. Ah... o orgulho da mamãe!
I've seen that beauty in the cascading hillsides, in your endless miles of sand and ocean, and in the vibrant, diverse gatherings of brasileiros who have come here today.
And we have a wonderfully mixed group. We have Cariocas and Paulistas, Baianas, Mineiros. (Applause.) We've got men and women from the cities to the interior, and so many young people here who are the great future of this great nation.
E o sul? Será que não tinha ninguém ou nada que realmente interessasse?
Now, yesterday, I met with your wonderful new President, Dilma Rousseff, and talked about how we can strengthen the partnership between our governments. But today, I want to speak directly to the Brazilian people about how we can strengthen the friendship between our nations. I've come here to share some ideas because I want to speak of the values that we share, the hopes that we have in common, and the difference that we can make together.
Fortalecer a amizade? Fomos colônia e deposito de porcarias Estadunidenses durante anos, barrados nas imigrações, tratados como selvagens ou pedintes, subestimados na melhor das hipóteses, desconsiderados e ele fala em fortalecer amizade??? Compartilhar idéias e falar sobre valores? Ideias que eles tiveram e valores que foram impostos goela a baixo durante as ultimas décadas, sem a menor preocupação com questões sociais, e agora ele resolve conversar com o povo??? Valores talvez capitalistas, regidos pelo consumo e pelo medo, pela necessidade de trocar tudo sempre e comprar tudo de novo assim que possível, e que também foram impostos por eles??? Aham..
When you think about it, the journeys of the United States of America and Brazil began in similar ways. Our lands are rich with God's creation, home to ancient and indigenous peoples. From overseas, the Americas were discovered by men who sought a New World, and settled by pioneers who pushed westward, across vast frontiers. We became colonies claimed by distant crowns, but soon declared our independence. We then welcomed waves of immigrants to our shores, and eventually after a long struggle, we cleansed the stain of slavery from our land.
Lar de antepassados e povos indígenas que foram exterminados pelos homens brancos. O Brasil foi um dos últimos a abolir a escravidão por motivos totalmente diferentes a dos nossos vizinhos do Norte. Se a mancha da escravidão já foi tirada da histria Norte Americana, não podemos dizer o mesmo do Brasil, pois ainda exixte muita gente trabalhando as custas do mínimo para sobreviver e continuar trabalhando, e se o nome disso não for escravidão, eu não sei o que é.
The United States was the first nation to recognize Brazil's independence, and set up a diplomatic outpost in this country. The first head of state to visit the United States was the leader of Brazil, Dom Pedro II. In the Second World War, our brave men and women fought side-by-side for freedom. And after the war, both of our nations struggled to achieve the full blessings of liberty.
Nossos homens lutaram lado a lado bravamete na Segunda Guerra Mundial???? Só pode ser brincadeira, né!!! Talvez ele ache que esperar o resultado da guerra pra tomar alguma decisão seja lutar bravamente. Se for, mandar tropas no fim de tudo então também deve significar a mesma coisa.
On the streets of the United States, men and women marched and bled and some died so that every citizen could enjoy the same freedoms and opportunities -- no matter what you looked like, no matter where you came from.
Os Panteras negras eram provavelmente eram um grupo de circo,oiu então uma banda de funk... o bonde dos panteras negras... todo racismo e discriminação que rechearam as décadas de 60 e 70 e meados de 80 nos EUA deve então ter sido só impressão de uma minoria com síndrome de inferioridade. Isso, pra não falar dos imigrantes mexicanos e porto-riquenhos...
In Brazil, you fought against two decades of dictatorships for the same right to be heard -- the right to be free from fear, free from want. And yet, for years, democracy and development were slow to take hold, and millions suffered as a result.
Contra a ditatuda patrocinada pelo EUA, ele quer dizer, coincidentemente, exatamente durante a Guerra Fria..
But I come here today because those days have passed. Brazil today is a flourishing democracy -- a place where people are free to speak their mind and choose their leaders; where a poor kid from Pernambuco can rise from the floors of a copper factory to the highest office in Brazil.
Eleger o Lula foi um ato muito mais de desespero do que de democracia. Funcionou? Acho que sim.
Over the last decade, the progress made by the Brazilian people has inspired the world. More than half of this nation is now considered middle class. Millions have been lifted from poverty. For the first time, hope is returning to places where fear had long prevailed. I saw this today when I visited Cidade de Deus -- the City of God. (Applause.)
It isn't just the new security efforts and social programs -- and I want to congratulate the mayor and the governor for the excellent work that they're doing. (Applause.) But it's also a change in attitudes. As one young resident said, "People have to look at favelas not with pity, but as a source of presidents and lawyers and doctors, artists, [and] people with solutions." (Applause.)
With each passing day, Brazil is a country with more solutions. In the global community, you've gone from relying on the help of other nations, to now helping fight poverty and disease wherever they exist. You play an important role in the global institutions that protect our common security and promote our common prosperity. And you will welcome the world to your shores when the World Cup and the Olympic games come to Rio de Janeiro. (Applause.)
Now, you may be aware that this city was not my first choice for the Summer Olympics. (Laughter.) But if the games could not be held in Chicago, then there's no place I'd rather see them than right here in Rio. And I intend to come back in 2016 to watch what happens. (Applause.)
For so long, Brazil was a nation brimming with potential but held back by politics, both at home and abroad. For so long, you were called a country of the future, told to wait for a better day that was always just around the corner.
Meus amigos, that day has finally come. And this is a country of the future no more. The people of Brazil should know that the future has arrived. It is here now. And it's time to seize it. (Applause.)
Só faltou ele dizer, o future somos nós!
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